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Scott Parson, dabbler in typestries and fabulations
Mad Mad Mad Mad World marquee

Glad you stopped by . . .

Two fresh pieces up on Meter Readings . . .

Nothing - when the perfect anniversary gift eludes you, and The Cosmos in an Eye - when an impatient muse conjures a universe for you to render into words. 

Shallow Thoughts and Glib Reactions

I can choose to swim only in a pristine pool of carefully curated culture - chlorinated, swept, and heated - or I can dash headlong into the chaotic ocean of culture beyond the hotel fence - where I just might discover something new to embrace.

On the Reading List

for entertainment and enlightenment:

A Summer Place by Wilson

Recovered Body by Cairns

for research:

The Essays of Elia by Lamb (a little like social media postings of the early 19th century)

Bozophobia covers

Immortalman Cover - 3D Mock Up

Click the image above to be magically transported to Amazon for these titles.
Bozophobia and Immortalman can still be found on Amazon and through

Link to Works in Progress

Click on In the Works link here or in the menu above to read excerpts of longer pieces Scott is developing for publication.

Electric meterElectric Meter

Click on the Meter Readings link here to sample Scott's adventures in versicular mayhem.

End of Road Warning Sign

Click on Going Off-Road link here to read about those times when the pavement gives out and the story is the journey.

Peter Birkinshaw on Flickr

Click on Credits link here or in the menu bar above to see where else Scott's short fiction has appeared. Click the title to read the piece.

All text (c) Scott Parson

Header image:  Joel Meyerowitz, New York City, 1964 (cropped)