A Hundred Million Skies now in Meter Readings, verse wrapped up in a birthday bow.
Also, check out Writer's Footlocker for the fiction pieces already posted there.
Shallow Thoughts and Glib Reactions
“Speak only if it improves upon the silence.” - Mahatma Ghandi
or better still ". . . only when it’s funny!” - Roger Rabbit
On the Reading List
for entertainment and enlightenment:
Retreat from Love by Colette
The Bag by Yurick
for research:
The Old West Series by the editors of Time Life books (for a comedy western, Gunflinger)
Click the image above to be magically transported to Amazon for these titles. Bozophobia and Immortalman can still be found on Amazon and through Bookshop.org.
Click on In the Works link here or in the menu above to read excerpts of longer pieces Scott is developing for publication.
Click on the Meter Readings link here to sample Scott's adventures in versicular mayhem.
Click on Going Off-Road link here to read about those times when the pavement gives out and the story is the journey.
Click on Credits link here or in the menu bar above to see where else Scott's short fiction has appeared. Click the title to read the piece.
All text (c) Scott Parson
Header image: Joel Meyerowitz, New York City, 1964 (cropped)